Module langbrainscore.encoder.ann
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import typing
from enum import unique
import os
import numpy as np
import torch
from tqdm import tqdm
import xarray as xr
from langbrainscore.dataset import Dataset
from langbrainscore.interface import EncoderRepresentations, _ModelEncoder
from langbrainscore.utils.encoder import (
from langbrainscore.utils.logging import log
from langbrainscore.utils.xarray import copy_metadata, fix_xr_dtypes
from langbrainscore.utils.resources import model_classes, config_name_mappings
os.environ["TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM"] = "true"
class HuggingFaceEncoder(_ModelEncoder):
def __init__(
emb_aggregation: typing.Union[str, None, typing.Callable],
context_dimension: str = None,
bidirectional: bool = False,
emb_preproc: typing.Tuple[str] = (),
include_special_tokens: bool = True,
model_id (str): the model id
device (None, ?): the device to use
context_dimension (str, optional): the dimension to use for extracting strings using context.
if None, each sampleid (stimuli) will be treated as a single context group.
if a string is specified, the string must refer to the name of a dimension in the xarray-like dataset
object (langbrainscore.dataset.Dataset) that provides groupings of sampleids (stimuli) that should be
used as context when generating encoder representations [default: None].
bidirectional (bool): whether to use bidirectional encoder (i.e., access both forward and backward context)
[default: False]
emb_aggregation (typing.Union[str, None, typing.Callable], optional): how to aggregate the hidden states of
the encoder representations for each sampleid (stimuli). [default: "last"]
emb_preproc (tuple): a list of strings specifying preprocessing functions to apply to the aggregated embeddings.
Processing is performed layer-wise.
include_special_tokens (bool): whether to include special tokens in the encoder representations.
from transformers import AutoConfig, AutoModel, AutoTokenizer
from transformers import logging as transformers_logging
self.device = device or get_torch_device()
self.config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(self._model_id)
self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(
self._model_id, multiprocessing=True
self.model = AutoModel.from_pretrained(self._model_id, config=self.config)
self.model =
except RuntimeError:
self.device = "cpu"
self.model =
def get_encoder_representations_template(
self, dataset=None, representations=xr.DataArray()
) -> EncoderRepresentations:
returns an empty `EncoderRepresentations` object with all the appropriate
attributes but the `dataset` and `representations` missing and to be filled in
return EncoderRepresentations(
def encode(
dataset: Dataset,
read_cache: bool = True, # avoid recomputing if cached `EncoderRepresentations` exists, recompute if not
write_cache: bool = True, # dump the result of this computation to cache?
) -> EncoderRepresentations:
Input a langbrainscore Dataset, encode the stimuli according to the parameters specified in init, and return
the an xarray DataArray of aggregated representations for each stimulus.
dataset (langbrainscore.dataset.DataSet): [description]
read_cache (bool): Avoid recomputing if cached `EncoderRepresentations` exists, recompute if not
write_cache (bool): Dump and write the result of the computed encoder representations to cache
NotImplementedError: [description]
ValueError: [description]
[type]: [description]
# before computing the representations from scratch, we will first see if any
# cached representations exist already.
if read_cache:
to_check_in_cache: EncoderRepresentations = (
return to_check_in_cache
except FileNotFoundError:
f"couldn't load cached reprs for {to_check_in_cache.identifier_string}; recomputing.",
stimuli = dataset.stimuli.values
# Initialize the context group coordinate (obtain embeddings with context)
context_groups = get_context_groups(dataset, self._context_dimension)
# list for storing activations for each stimulus with all layers flattened
# list for storing layer ids ([0 0 0 0 ... 1 1 1 ...]) indicating which layer each
# neuroid (representation dimension) came from
flattened_activations, layer_ids = [], []
_, unique_ixs = np.unique(context_groups, return_index=True)
# Make sure context group order is preserved
for group in tqdm(context_groups[np.sort(unique_ixs)], desc="Encoding stimuli"):
# Mask based on the context group
mask_context = context_groups == group
stimuli_in_context = stimuli[mask_context]
# store model states for each stimulus in this context group
encoded_stimuli = []
for encoded_stim in encode_stimuli_in_context(
encoded_stimuli += [encoded_stim]
# Flatten activations across layers and package as xarray
flattened_activations_and_layer_ids = [
*map(flatten_activations_per_sample, encoded_stimuli)
for f_as, l_ids in flattened_activations_and_layer_ids:
flattened_activations += [f_as]
layer_ids += [l_ids]
assert len(f_as) == len(l_ids) # Assert all layer lists are equal
# Stack flattened activations and layer ids to obtain [n_samples, emb_din * n_layers]
activations_2d = np.vstack(flattened_activations)
layer_ids_1d = np.squeeze(np.unique(np.vstack(layer_ids), axis=0))
# Post-process activations after obtaining them (or "pre-process" them before computing brainscore)
if len(self._emb_preproc) > 0:
for mode in self._emb_preproc:
activations_2d, layer_ids_1d = postprocess_activations(
assert activations_2d.shape[1] == len(layer_ids_1d)
assert activations_2d.shape[0] == len(stimuli)
# Package activations as xarray and reapply metadata
encoded_dataset: xr.DataArray = repackage_flattened_activations(
encoded_dataset: xr.DataArray = copy_metadata(
to_return: EncoderRepresentations = self.get_encoder_representations_template()
to_return.dataset = dataset
to_return.representations = fix_xr_dtypes(encoded_dataset)
if write_cache:
return to_return
def get_modelcard(self):
Returns the model card of the model (model-wise, and not layer-wise)
model_classes = [
] # continuously update based on new model classes supported
# based on the model_id, figure out which model class it is
model_class = [x for x in model_classes if x in self._model_id][0]
assert model_class is not None, f"model_id {self._model_id} not supported"
config_specs_of_interest = config_name_mappings[model_class]
model_specs = {}
for (
) in (
): # key is the name we want to use in the model card,
# value is the name in the config
if v_spec is not None:
model_specs[k_spec] = getattr(self.config, v_spec)
model_specs[k_spec] = None
self.model_specs = model_specs
return model_specs
class PTEncoder(_ModelEncoder):
def __init__(self, model_id: str) -> "PTEncoder":
def encode(self, dataset: "langbrainscore.dataset.Dataset") -> xr.DataArray:
class EncoderCheck:
Class for checking whether obtained embeddings from the Encoder class are correct and similar to other encoder objects.
def __init__(
def _load_cached_activations(self, encoded_ann_identifier: str):
raise NotImplementedError
def similiarity_metric_across_layers(
sim_metric: str = "tol",
enc1: xr.DataArray = None,
enc2: xr.DataArray = None,
tol: float = 1e-8,
threshold: float = 1e-4,
) -> bool:
Given two activations, iterate across layers and check np.allclose using different tolerance levels.
sim_metric: str
Similarity metric to use.
enc1: xr.DataArray
First encoder activations.
enc2: xr.DataArray
Second encoder activations.
tol: float
Tolerance level to start at (we will iterate upwards the tolerance level). Default is 1e-8.
bool: whether the tolerance level was met (True) or not (False)
bad_stim: set of stimuli indices that did not meet tolerance level `threshold` (if any)
# First check is whether number of layers / shapes match
assert enc1.shape == enc2.shape
assert (
enc1.sampleid.values == enc2.sampleid.values
).all() # ensure that we are looking at the same stimuli
layer_ids = enc1.layer.values
_, unique_ixs = np.unique(layer_ids, return_index=True)
print(f"\n\nChecking similarity across layers using sim_metric: {sim_metric}")
all_good = True
bad_stim = set() # store indices of stimuli that are not similar
# Iterate across layers
for layer_id in tqdm(layer_ids[np.sort(unique_ixs)]):
enc1_layer = enc1.isel(neuroid=(enc1.layer == layer_id)) # .squeeze()
enc2_layer = enc2.isel(neuroid=(enc2.layer == layer_id)) # .squeeze()
# Check whether values match. If not, iteratively increase tolerance until values match
if sim_metric in ("tol", "diff"):
abs_diff = np.abs(enc1_layer - enc2_layer)
abs_diff_per_stim = np.max(
abs_diff, axis=1
) # Obtain the biggest difference aross neuroids (units)
while (abs_diff_per_stim > tol).all():
tol *= 10
elif "cos" in sim_metric:
# Check cosine distance between each row, e.g., sentence vector
cos_sim = cos_sim_matrix(enc1_layer, enc2_layer)
cos_dist = (
1 - cos_sim
) # 0 means identical, 1 means orthogonal, 2 means opposite
# We still want this as close to zero as possible for similar vectors.
cos_dist_abs = np.abs(cos_dist)
abs_diff_per_stim = cos_dist_abs
# Check how close the cosine distance is to 0
while (cos_dist_abs > tol).all():
tol *= 10
raise NotImplementedError(f"Invalid `sim_metric`: {sim_metric}")
print(f"Layer {layer_id}: Similarity at tolerance: {tol:.3e}")
if tol > threshold:
print(f"WARNING: Low tolerance level")
all_good = False
enc1.sampleid[np.where(abs_diff_per_stim > tol)[0]]
) # get sampleids of stimuli that are not similar
return all_good, bad_stim
class EncoderCheck
Class for checking whether obtained embeddings from the Encoder class are correct and similar to other encoder objects.
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class EncoderCheck: """ Class for checking whether obtained embeddings from the Encoder class are correct and similar to other encoder objects. """ def __init__( self, ): pass def _load_cached_activations(self, encoded_ann_identifier: str): raise NotImplementedError def similiarity_metric_across_layers( self, sim_metric: str = "tol", enc1: xr.DataArray = None, enc2: xr.DataArray = None, tol: float = 1e-8, threshold: float = 1e-4, ) -> bool: """ Given two activations, iterate across layers and check np.allclose using different tolerance levels. Parameters: sim_metric: str Similarity metric to use. enc1: xr.DataArray First encoder activations. enc2: xr.DataArray Second encoder activations. tol: float Tolerance level to start at (we will iterate upwards the tolerance level). Default is 1e-8. Returns: bool: whether the tolerance level was met (True) or not (False) bad_stim: set of stimuli indices that did not meet tolerance level `threshold` (if any) """ # First check is whether number of layers / shapes match assert enc1.shape == enc2.shape assert ( enc1.sampleid.values == enc2.sampleid.values ).all() # ensure that we are looking at the same stimuli layer_ids = enc1.layer.values _, unique_ixs = np.unique(layer_ids, return_index=True) print(f"\n\nChecking similarity across layers using sim_metric: {sim_metric}") all_good = True bad_stim = set() # store indices of stimuli that are not similar # Iterate across layers for layer_id in tqdm(layer_ids[np.sort(unique_ixs)]): enc1_layer = enc1.isel(neuroid=(enc1.layer == layer_id)) # .squeeze() enc2_layer = enc2.isel(neuroid=(enc2.layer == layer_id)) # .squeeze() # Check whether values match. If not, iteratively increase tolerance until values match if sim_metric in ("tol", "diff"): abs_diff = np.abs(enc1_layer - enc2_layer) abs_diff_per_stim = np.max( abs_diff, axis=1 ) # Obtain the biggest difference aross neuroids (units) while (abs_diff_per_stim > tol).all(): tol *= 10 elif "cos" in sim_metric: # Check cosine distance between each row, e.g., sentence vector cos_sim = cos_sim_matrix(enc1_layer, enc2_layer) cos_dist = ( 1 - cos_sim ) # 0 means identical, 1 means orthogonal, 2 means opposite # We still want this as close to zero as possible for similar vectors. cos_dist_abs = np.abs(cos_dist) abs_diff_per_stim = cos_dist_abs # Check how close the cosine distance is to 0 while (cos_dist_abs > tol).all(): tol *= 10 else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Invalid `sim_metric`: {sim_metric}") print(f"Layer {layer_id}: Similarity at tolerance: {tol:.3e}") if tol > threshold: print(f"WARNING: Low tolerance level") all_good = False bad_stim.update( enc1.sampleid[np.where(abs_diff_per_stim > tol)[0]] ) # get sampleids of stimuli that are not similar return all_good, bad_stim
def similiarity_metric_across_layers(self, sim_metric: str = 'tol', enc1: xarray.core.dataarray.DataArray = None, enc2: xarray.core.dataarray.DataArray = None, tol: float = 1e-08, threshold: float = 0.0001) ‑> bool
Given two activations, iterate across layers and check np.allclose using different tolerance levels.
Parameters: sim_metric: str Similarity metric to use. enc1: xr.DataArray First encoder activations. enc2: xr.DataArray Second encoder activations. tol: float Tolerance level to start at (we will iterate upwards the tolerance level). Default is 1e-8. Returns: bool: whether the tolerance level was met (True) or not (False) bad_stim: set of stimuli indices that did not meet tolerance level <code>threshold</code> (if any)
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def similiarity_metric_across_layers( self, sim_metric: str = "tol", enc1: xr.DataArray = None, enc2: xr.DataArray = None, tol: float = 1e-8, threshold: float = 1e-4, ) -> bool: """ Given two activations, iterate across layers and check np.allclose using different tolerance levels. Parameters: sim_metric: str Similarity metric to use. enc1: xr.DataArray First encoder activations. enc2: xr.DataArray Second encoder activations. tol: float Tolerance level to start at (we will iterate upwards the tolerance level). Default is 1e-8. Returns: bool: whether the tolerance level was met (True) or not (False) bad_stim: set of stimuli indices that did not meet tolerance level `threshold` (if any) """ # First check is whether number of layers / shapes match assert enc1.shape == enc2.shape assert ( enc1.sampleid.values == enc2.sampleid.values ).all() # ensure that we are looking at the same stimuli layer_ids = enc1.layer.values _, unique_ixs = np.unique(layer_ids, return_index=True) print(f"\n\nChecking similarity across layers using sim_metric: {sim_metric}") all_good = True bad_stim = set() # store indices of stimuli that are not similar # Iterate across layers for layer_id in tqdm(layer_ids[np.sort(unique_ixs)]): enc1_layer = enc1.isel(neuroid=(enc1.layer == layer_id)) # .squeeze() enc2_layer = enc2.isel(neuroid=(enc2.layer == layer_id)) # .squeeze() # Check whether values match. If not, iteratively increase tolerance until values match if sim_metric in ("tol", "diff"): abs_diff = np.abs(enc1_layer - enc2_layer) abs_diff_per_stim = np.max( abs_diff, axis=1 ) # Obtain the biggest difference aross neuroids (units) while (abs_diff_per_stim > tol).all(): tol *= 10 elif "cos" in sim_metric: # Check cosine distance between each row, e.g., sentence vector cos_sim = cos_sim_matrix(enc1_layer, enc2_layer) cos_dist = ( 1 - cos_sim ) # 0 means identical, 1 means orthogonal, 2 means opposite # We still want this as close to zero as possible for similar vectors. cos_dist_abs = np.abs(cos_dist) abs_diff_per_stim = cos_dist_abs # Check how close the cosine distance is to 0 while (cos_dist_abs > tol).all(): tol *= 10 else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Invalid `sim_metric`: {sim_metric}") print(f"Layer {layer_id}: Similarity at tolerance: {tol:.3e}") if tol > threshold: print(f"WARNING: Low tolerance level") all_good = False bad_stim.update( enc1.sampleid[np.where(abs_diff_per_stim > tol)[0]] ) # get sampleids of stimuli that are not similar return all_good, bad_stim
class HuggingFaceEncoder (model_id, emb_aggregation: Union[str, None, Callable], device=device(type='cpu'), context_dimension: str = None, bidirectional: bool = False, emb_preproc: Tuple[str] = (), include_special_tokens: bool = True)
Interface for *Encoder classes. Must implement an
method that operates on a Dataset object.Args
- the model id
- device (None, ?): the device to use
, optional- the dimension to use for extracting strings using context. if None, each sampleid (stimuli) will be treated as a single context group. if a string is specified, the string must refer to the name of a dimension in the xarray-like dataset object (langbrainscore.dataset.Dataset) that provides groupings of sampleids (stimuli) that should be used as context when generating encoder representations [default: None].
- whether to use bidirectional encoder (i.e., access both forward and backward context) [default: False]
:typing.Union[str, None, typing.Callable]
, optional- how to aggregate the hidden states of the encoder representations for each sampleid (stimuli). [default: "last"]
- a list of strings specifying preprocessing functions to apply to the aggregated embeddings. Processing is performed layer-wise.
- whether to include special tokens in the encoder representations.
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class HuggingFaceEncoder(_ModelEncoder): def __init__( self, model_id, emb_aggregation: typing.Union[str, None, typing.Callable], device=get_torch_device(), context_dimension: str = None, bidirectional: bool = False, emb_preproc: typing.Tuple[str] = (), include_special_tokens: bool = True, ): """ Args: model_id (str): the model id device (None, ?): the device to use context_dimension (str, optional): the dimension to use for extracting strings using context. if None, each sampleid (stimuli) will be treated as a single context group. if a string is specified, the string must refer to the name of a dimension in the xarray-like dataset object (langbrainscore.dataset.Dataset) that provides groupings of sampleids (stimuli) that should be used as context when generating encoder representations [default: None]. bidirectional (bool): whether to use bidirectional encoder (i.e., access both forward and backward context) [default: False] emb_aggregation (typing.Union[str, None, typing.Callable], optional): how to aggregate the hidden states of the encoder representations for each sampleid (stimuli). [default: "last"] emb_preproc (tuple): a list of strings specifying preprocessing functions to apply to the aggregated embeddings. Processing is performed layer-wise. include_special_tokens (bool): whether to include special tokens in the encoder representations. """ super().__init__( model_id, _context_dimension=context_dimension, _bidirectional=bidirectional, _emb_aggregation=emb_aggregation, _emb_preproc=emb_preproc, _include_special_tokens=include_special_tokens, ) from transformers import AutoConfig, AutoModel, AutoTokenizer from transformers import logging as transformers_logging transformers_logging.set_verbosity_error() self.device = device or get_torch_device() self.config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(self._model_id) self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained( self._model_id, multiprocessing=True ) self.model = AutoModel.from_pretrained(self._model_id, config=self.config) try: self.model = except RuntimeError: self.device = "cpu" self.model = def get_encoder_representations_template( self, dataset=None, representations=xr.DataArray() ) -> EncoderRepresentations: """ returns an empty `EncoderRepresentations` object with all the appropriate attributes but the `dataset` and `representations` missing and to be filled in later. """ return EncoderRepresentations( dataset=dataset, representations=representations, model_id=self._model_id, context_dimension=self._context_dimension, bidirectional=self._bidirectional, emb_aggregation=self._emb_aggregation, emb_preproc=self._emb_preproc, include_special_tokens=self._include_special_tokens, ) def encode( self, dataset: Dataset, read_cache: bool = True, # avoid recomputing if cached `EncoderRepresentations` exists, recompute if not write_cache: bool = True, # dump the result of this computation to cache? ) -> EncoderRepresentations: """ Input a langbrainscore Dataset, encode the stimuli according to the parameters specified in init, and return the an xarray DataArray of aggregated representations for each stimulus. Args: dataset (langbrainscore.dataset.DataSet): [description] read_cache (bool): Avoid recomputing if cached `EncoderRepresentations` exists, recompute if not write_cache (bool): Dump and write the result of the computed encoder representations to cache Raises: NotImplementedError: [description] ValueError: [description] Returns: [type]: [description] """ # before computing the representations from scratch, we will first see if any # cached representations exist already. if read_cache: to_check_in_cache: EncoderRepresentations = ( self.get_encoder_representations_template(dataset=dataset) ) try: to_check_in_cache.load_cache() return to_check_in_cache except FileNotFoundError: log( f"couldn't load cached reprs for {to_check_in_cache.identifier_string}; recomputing.", cmap="WARN", type="WARN", ) self.model.eval() stimuli = dataset.stimuli.values # Initialize the context group coordinate (obtain embeddings with context) context_groups = get_context_groups(dataset, self._context_dimension) # list for storing activations for each stimulus with all layers flattened # list for storing layer ids ([0 0 0 0 ... 1 1 1 ...]) indicating which layer each # neuroid (representation dimension) came from flattened_activations, layer_ids = [], [] ############################################################################### # ALL SAMPLES LOOP ############################################################################### _, unique_ixs = np.unique(context_groups, return_index=True) # Make sure context group order is preserved for group in tqdm(context_groups[np.sort(unique_ixs)], desc="Encoding stimuli"): # Mask based on the context group mask_context = context_groups == group stimuli_in_context = stimuli[mask_context] # store model states for each stimulus in this context group encoded_stimuli = [] ############################################################################### # CONTEXT LOOP ############################################################################### for encoded_stim in encode_stimuli_in_context( stimuli_in_context=stimuli_in_context, tokenizer=self.tokenizer, model=self.model, bidirectional=self._bidirectional, include_special_tokens=self._include_special_tokens, emb_aggregation=self._emb_aggregation, device=self.device, ): encoded_stimuli += [encoded_stim] ############################################################################### # END CONTEXT LOOP ############################################################################### # Flatten activations across layers and package as xarray flattened_activations_and_layer_ids = [ *map(flatten_activations_per_sample, encoded_stimuli) ] for f_as, l_ids in flattened_activations_and_layer_ids: flattened_activations += [f_as] layer_ids += [l_ids] assert len(f_as) == len(l_ids) # Assert all layer lists are equal ############################################################################### # END ALL SAMPLES LOOP ############################################################################### # Stack flattened activations and layer ids to obtain [n_samples, emb_din * n_layers] activations_2d = np.vstack(flattened_activations) layer_ids_1d = np.squeeze(np.unique(np.vstack(layer_ids), axis=0)) # Post-process activations after obtaining them (or "pre-process" them before computing brainscore) if len(self._emb_preproc) > 0: for mode in self._emb_preproc: activations_2d, layer_ids_1d = postprocess_activations( activations_2d=activations_2d, layer_ids_1d=layer_ids_1d, emb_preproc_mode=mode, ) assert activations_2d.shape[1] == len(layer_ids_1d) assert activations_2d.shape[0] == len(stimuli) # Package activations as xarray and reapply metadata encoded_dataset: xr.DataArray = repackage_flattened_activations( activations_2d=activations_2d, layer_ids_1d=layer_ids_1d, dataset=dataset, ) encoded_dataset: xr.DataArray = copy_metadata( encoded_dataset, dataset.contents, "sampleid", ) to_return: EncoderRepresentations = self.get_encoder_representations_template() to_return.dataset = dataset to_return.representations = fix_xr_dtypes(encoded_dataset) if write_cache: to_return.to_cache(overwrite=True) return to_return def get_modelcard(self): """ Returns the model card of the model (model-wise, and not layer-wise) """ model_classes = [ "gpt", "bert", ] # continuously update based on new model classes supported # based on the model_id, figure out which model class it is model_class = [x for x in model_classes if x in self._model_id][0] assert model_class is not None, f"model_id {self._model_id} not supported" config_specs_of_interest = config_name_mappings[model_class] model_specs = {} for ( k_spec, v_spec, ) in ( config_specs_of_interest.items() ): # key is the name we want to use in the model card, # value is the name in the config if v_spec is not None: model_specs[k_spec] = getattr(self.config, v_spec) else: model_specs[k_spec] = None self.model_specs = model_specs return model_specs
- langbrainscore.interface.encoder._ModelEncoder
- langbrainscore.interface.encoder._Encoder
- langbrainscore.interface.cacheable._Cacheable
- typing.Protocol
- typing.Generic
- abc.ABC
def encode(self, dataset: Dataset, read_cache: bool = True, write_cache: bool = True) ‑> EncoderRepresentations
Input a langbrainscore Dataset, encode the stimuli according to the parameters specified in init, and return the an xarray DataArray of aggregated representations for each stimulus.
- [description]
- Avoid recomputing if cached
exists, recompute if not write_cache
- Dump and write the result of the computed encoder representations to cache
- [description]
- [description]
- [description]
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def encode( self, dataset: Dataset, read_cache: bool = True, # avoid recomputing if cached `EncoderRepresentations` exists, recompute if not write_cache: bool = True, # dump the result of this computation to cache? ) -> EncoderRepresentations: """ Input a langbrainscore Dataset, encode the stimuli according to the parameters specified in init, and return the an xarray DataArray of aggregated representations for each stimulus. Args: dataset (langbrainscore.dataset.DataSet): [description] read_cache (bool): Avoid recomputing if cached `EncoderRepresentations` exists, recompute if not write_cache (bool): Dump and write the result of the computed encoder representations to cache Raises: NotImplementedError: [description] ValueError: [description] Returns: [type]: [description] """ # before computing the representations from scratch, we will first see if any # cached representations exist already. if read_cache: to_check_in_cache: EncoderRepresentations = ( self.get_encoder_representations_template(dataset=dataset) ) try: to_check_in_cache.load_cache() return to_check_in_cache except FileNotFoundError: log( f"couldn't load cached reprs for {to_check_in_cache.identifier_string}; recomputing.", cmap="WARN", type="WARN", ) self.model.eval() stimuli = dataset.stimuli.values # Initialize the context group coordinate (obtain embeddings with context) context_groups = get_context_groups(dataset, self._context_dimension) # list for storing activations for each stimulus with all layers flattened # list for storing layer ids ([0 0 0 0 ... 1 1 1 ...]) indicating which layer each # neuroid (representation dimension) came from flattened_activations, layer_ids = [], [] ############################################################################### # ALL SAMPLES LOOP ############################################################################### _, unique_ixs = np.unique(context_groups, return_index=True) # Make sure context group order is preserved for group in tqdm(context_groups[np.sort(unique_ixs)], desc="Encoding stimuli"): # Mask based on the context group mask_context = context_groups == group stimuli_in_context = stimuli[mask_context] # store model states for each stimulus in this context group encoded_stimuli = [] ############################################################################### # CONTEXT LOOP ############################################################################### for encoded_stim in encode_stimuli_in_context( stimuli_in_context=stimuli_in_context, tokenizer=self.tokenizer, model=self.model, bidirectional=self._bidirectional, include_special_tokens=self._include_special_tokens, emb_aggregation=self._emb_aggregation, device=self.device, ): encoded_stimuli += [encoded_stim] ############################################################################### # END CONTEXT LOOP ############################################################################### # Flatten activations across layers and package as xarray flattened_activations_and_layer_ids = [ *map(flatten_activations_per_sample, encoded_stimuli) ] for f_as, l_ids in flattened_activations_and_layer_ids: flattened_activations += [f_as] layer_ids += [l_ids] assert len(f_as) == len(l_ids) # Assert all layer lists are equal ############################################################################### # END ALL SAMPLES LOOP ############################################################################### # Stack flattened activations and layer ids to obtain [n_samples, emb_din * n_layers] activations_2d = np.vstack(flattened_activations) layer_ids_1d = np.squeeze(np.unique(np.vstack(layer_ids), axis=0)) # Post-process activations after obtaining them (or "pre-process" them before computing brainscore) if len(self._emb_preproc) > 0: for mode in self._emb_preproc: activations_2d, layer_ids_1d = postprocess_activations( activations_2d=activations_2d, layer_ids_1d=layer_ids_1d, emb_preproc_mode=mode, ) assert activations_2d.shape[1] == len(layer_ids_1d) assert activations_2d.shape[0] == len(stimuli) # Package activations as xarray and reapply metadata encoded_dataset: xr.DataArray = repackage_flattened_activations( activations_2d=activations_2d, layer_ids_1d=layer_ids_1d, dataset=dataset, ) encoded_dataset: xr.DataArray = copy_metadata( encoded_dataset, dataset.contents, "sampleid", ) to_return: EncoderRepresentations = self.get_encoder_representations_template() to_return.dataset = dataset to_return.representations = fix_xr_dtypes(encoded_dataset) if write_cache: to_return.to_cache(overwrite=True) return to_return
def get_encoder_representations_template(self, dataset=None, representations=<xarray.DataArray ()> array(nan)) ‑> EncoderRepresentations
returns an empty
object with all the appropriate attributes but thedataset
missing and to be filled in later.Expand source code
def get_encoder_representations_template( self, dataset=None, representations=xr.DataArray() ) -> EncoderRepresentations: """ returns an empty `EncoderRepresentations` object with all the appropriate attributes but the `dataset` and `representations` missing and to be filled in later. """ return EncoderRepresentations( dataset=dataset, representations=representations, model_id=self._model_id, context_dimension=self._context_dimension, bidirectional=self._bidirectional, emb_aggregation=self._emb_aggregation, emb_preproc=self._emb_preproc, include_special_tokens=self._include_special_tokens, )
def get_modelcard(self)
Returns the model card of the model (model-wise, and not layer-wise)
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def get_modelcard(self): """ Returns the model card of the model (model-wise, and not layer-wise) """ model_classes = [ "gpt", "bert", ] # continuously update based on new model classes supported # based on the model_id, figure out which model class it is model_class = [x for x in model_classes if x in self._model_id][0] assert model_class is not None, f"model_id {self._model_id} not supported" config_specs_of_interest = config_name_mappings[model_class] model_specs = {} for ( k_spec, v_spec, ) in ( config_specs_of_interest.items() ): # key is the name we want to use in the model card, # value is the name in the config if v_spec is not None: model_specs[k_spec] = getattr(self.config, v_spec) else: model_specs[k_spec] = None self.model_specs = model_specs return model_specs
class PTEncoder (model_id: str)
Interface for *Encoder classes. Must implement an
method that operates on a Dataset object.This class is intended to be an interface for all ANN subclasses, including HuggingFaceEncoder, and, in the future, other kinds of ANN encoders
- description
- description
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class PTEncoder(_ModelEncoder): def __init__(self, model_id: str) -> "PTEncoder": super().__init__(model_id) def encode(self, dataset: "langbrainscore.dataset.Dataset") -> xr.DataArray: # TODO ...
- langbrainscore.interface.encoder._ModelEncoder
- langbrainscore.interface.encoder._Encoder
- langbrainscore.interface.cacheable._Cacheable
- typing.Protocol
- typing.Generic
- abc.ABC
def encode(self, dataset: langbrainscore.dataset.Dataset) ‑> xarray.core.dataarray.DataArray
returns computed representations for stimuli passed in as a
langbrainscore.dataset.Dataset: a Dataset object with a member
instance (Dataset._xr_obj
) containing stimuliReturns
- Model representations of each stimulus in brain dataset
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def encode(self, dataset: "langbrainscore.dataset.Dataset") -> xr.DataArray: # TODO ...