Module langbrainscore.dataset.dataset
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# stdlib imports
import typing
from collections import abc
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from langbrainscore.interface import _Dataset
from langbrainscore.utils.logging import log
from langbrainscore.utils.xarray import collapse_multidim_coord
from tqdm import tqdm
class Dataset(_Dataset):
def contents(self) -> xr.DataArray:
access the internal xarray object. use with caution.
return self._xr_obj
def stimuli(self) -> xr.DataArray:
getter method that returns an xarray object of stimuli and associated metadata
xr.DataArray: xarray object containing the stimuli from the dataset and associated metadata
return self.contents.stimulus
def dims(self) -> tuple:
getter method that returns internal xarray dimensions
tuple[str]: dimensions of internal xarray object
return self.contents.dims
def to_netcdf(self, filename):
outputs the xarray.DataArray object to a netCDF file identified by
`filename`. if it already exists, overwrites it.
if Path(filename).expanduser().resolve().exists():
log(f"{filename} already exists. overwriting.", type="WARN")
def load_netcdf(cls, filename):
loads a netCDF object that contains a pre-packaged xarray instance from
a file at `filename`.
return cls(xr.load_dataarray(filename))
def from_file_or_url(
file_path_or_url: typing.Union[str, Path],
data_column: str,
sampleid_index: str,
neuroid_index: str,
stimuli_index: str,
timeid_index: str = None,
subject_index: str = None,
sampleid_metadata: typing.Union[
typing.Iterable[str], typing.Mapping[str, str]
] = None,
neuroid_metadata: typing.Union[
typing.Iterable[str], typing.Mapping[str, str]
] = None,
timeid_metadata: typing.Union[
typing.Iterable[str], typing.Mapping[str, str]
] = None,
multidim_metadata: typing.Iterable[
typing.Mapping[str, typing.Iterable[str]]
] = None,
sort_by: typing.Iterable[str] = (),
parallel: int = -2,
) -> _Dataset:
"""Creates a Dataset object holding an `xr.DataArray` instance using a CSV file readable by pandas.
Constructs the `xr.DataArray` using specified columns to construct dimensions and
metadata along those dimensions in the form of coordinates.
Minimally requires `sampleid` and `neuroid` to be provided.
Note: Each row of the supplied file must have a single data point corresponding
to a unique `sampleid`, `neuroid`, and `timeid` (unique dimension values).
I.e., each neuroid (which could be a voxel, an ROI, a reaction time RT value, etc.)
must be on a new line for the same stimulus trial at a certain time.
If `timeid` and `subjectid` is not provided:
- a singleton timeid dimension is created with the value "0" for each sample.
- a singleton subjectid dimension is created with value "0" that spans the entire data.
For help on what these terms mean, please visit the
[xarray glossary page](
file_path_or_url (typing.Union[str, Path]): a path or URL to a csv file
data_column (str): title of the column that holds the datapoints per unit of measurement
(e.g., BOLD contrast effect size, reaction time, voltage amplitude, etc)
sampleid_index (str): title of the column that should be used to construct an index for sampleids.
this should be unique for each stimulus in the dataset.
neuroid_index (str): title of the column that should be used to construct an index for neuroids.
this should be unique for each point of measurement within a subject. e.g., voxel1, voxel2, ...
neuroids in the packaged dataset are transformed to be a product of subject_index and neuroid_index.
stimuli_index (str): title of the column that holds stimuli shown to participants
timeid_index (str, optional): title of the column that holds timepoints of stimulus presentation.
optional. if not provided, a singleton timepoint '0' is assigned to each datapoint. Defaults to None.
subject_index (str, optional): title of the column specifiying subject IDs. Defaults to None.
sampleid_metadata (typing.Union[typing.Iterable[str], typing.Mapping[str,str]], optional):
names of columns (and optionally mapping of existing column names to new coordinate names)
that supply metadata along the sampleid dimension. Defaults to None.
neuroid_metadata (typing.Union[typing.Iterable[str], typing.Mapping[str,str]], optional):
see `sampleid_metadata`. Defaults to None.
timeid_metadata (typing.Union[typing.Iterable[str], typing.Mapping[str,str]], optional):
see `sampleid_metadata`. Defaults to None.
multidim_metadata (typing.Iterable[typing.Mapping[str, typing.Iterable[str]]], optional):
metadata to go with more than one dimension. e.g., chunks of a stimulus that unfolds with time.
currently `NotImplemented`. Defaults to None.
sort_by (typing.Iterable[str], optional): Sort data by these columns while repackaging it.
data is sorted by `sampleid_index`, `neuroid_index`, and `timeid_index` in addition to this
value. Defaults to ().
sep (str, optional): separator to read a value-delimited file. this argument is passed to pandas.
Defaults to ','.
ValueError: _description_
_Dataset: a subclass of the `_Dataset` interface with the packaged xarray.DataArray as a member.
T = typing.TypeVar("T")
def collapse_same_value(arr: typing.Iterable[T]) -> T:
makes sure each element in an iterable is identical (using __eq__)
to every other element by value and returns (any) one of the elements.
if a non-identical element (!=) is found, raises ValueError
first_thing = next(iter(arr))
except StopIteration:
log(f"failed to obtain value from {arr}", verbosity_check=True)
return np.nan
for each_thing in arr:
if first_thing != each_thing:
raise ValueError(f"{first_thing} != {each_thing}")
return first_thing
import pandas as pd
if str(file_path_or_url).endswith(".parquet.gzip"):
df = pd.read_parquet(file_path_or_url)
except Exception as invalid_file:
raise ValueError("invalid parquet file / filename") from invalid_file
df = pd.read_csv(file_path_or_url, sep=sep)
except Exception as invalid_file:
raise ValueError("invalid csv file / filename") from invalid_file
if timeid_index is None:
timeid_index = "timeid"
# create singleton timeid
# we don't need to inflate data since each datapoint will just
# correspond to timeid == 0 per sample
timeid_column = [0] * len(df)
df[timeid_index] = timeid_column
if subject_index is None:
subject_index = "subject"
# create singleton subjectID
# we don't need to inflate data since each datapoint will just
# correspond to subject == 0 per sample
subject_column = ["subject0"] * len(df)
df[subject_index] = subject_column
if not parallel:
parallel = 1
subjects = list(set(df[subject_index]))
sampleids = list(
) # what happens when the same stimulus is shown multiple times?
# it will add entries with same sampleid that will have to
# then be differentiated on the basis of metadata only
neuroids = list(set(df[neuroid_index]))
timeids = list(set(df[timeid_index]))
if not isinstance(sampleid_metadata, abc.Mapping):
sampleid_metadata = {k: k for k in sampleid_metadata}
if not isinstance(neuroid_metadata, abc.Mapping):
neuroid_metadata = {k: k for k in neuroid_metadata}
if not isinstance(timeid_metadata, abc.Mapping):
timeid_metadata = {k: k for k in timeid_metadata or ()}
df = df.sort_values(
[*sort_by, subject_index, sampleid_index, neuroid_index, timeid_index]
def get_sampleid_xr(sampleid):
sample_view = df[df[sampleid_index] == sampleid] # why not sampleid_view?
neuroid_xrs = []
for neuroid in neuroids:
neuroid_view = sample_view[sample_view[neuroid_index] == neuroid]
timeid_xrs = []
for timeid in timeids:
timeid_view = neuroid_view[neuroid_view[timeid_index] == timeid]
data = timeid_view[data_column].values
timeid_xr = xr.DataArray(
data.reshape(1, len(timeid_view[subject_index]), 1),
dims=("sampleid", "neuroid", "timeid"),
"sampleid": np.repeat(sampleid, 1),
"neuroid": [
for a, b in zip(
"timeid": np.repeat(timeid, 1),
"subject": ("neuroid", timeid_view[subject_index]),
"stimulus": (
metadata_names[column]: (
for dimension, metadata_names in (
("sampleid", sampleid_metadata),
("timeid", timeid_metadata),
for column in metadata_names
neuroid_metadata[column]: (
for column in neuroid_metadata
timeid_xrs += [timeid_xr]
neuroid_xr = xr.concat(timeid_xrs, dim="timeid")
neuroid_xrs += [neuroid_xr]
sampleid_xr = xr.concat(neuroid_xrs, dim="neuroid")
return sampleid_xr
sampleid_xrs = Parallel(n_jobs=parallel)(
for sampleid in tqdm(sampleids, desc="reassembling data per sampleid")
unified_xr = xr.concat(sampleid_xrs, dim="sampleid")
for dimension, metadata_names in (
("sampleid", {**sampleid_metadata, "stimulus": "stimulus"}),
("timeid", timeid_metadata),
("neuroid", {**neuroid_metadata, "subject": "subject"}),
for column in metadata_names:
unified_xr = collapse_multidim_coord(
unified_xr, metadata_names[column], dimension
except ValueError as e:
f"dimension:{dimension}, column:{column}, shape:{unified_xr[metadata_names[column]].shape}",
return cls(unified_xr) # NOTE: we use `cls` rather than `Dataset` so any
# subclasses will use the subclass rather than parent
class Dataset (xr_obj: xarray.core.dataarray.DataArray, dataset_name: str = None)
wrapper class for xarray DataArray that confirms format adheres to interface.
accepts an xarray with the following core dimensions: sampleid, neuroid, timeid and at least the following core coordinates: sampleid, neuroid, timeid, stimulus, subject
- xarray object with core dimensions and coordinates
Expand source code
class Dataset(_Dataset): @property def contents(self) -> xr.DataArray: """ access the internal xarray object. use with caution. """ return self._xr_obj @property def stimuli(self) -> xr.DataArray: """ getter method that returns an xarray object of stimuli and associated metadata Returns: xr.DataArray: xarray object containing the stimuli from the dataset and associated metadata """ return self.contents.stimulus @property def dims(self) -> tuple: """ getter method that returns internal xarray dimensions Returns: tuple[str]: dimensions of internal xarray object """ return self.contents.dims def to_netcdf(self, filename): """ outputs the xarray.DataArray object to a netCDF file identified by `filename`. if it already exists, overwrites it. """ if Path(filename).expanduser().resolve().exists(): log(f"{filename} already exists. overwriting.", type="WARN") self._xr_obj.to_netcdf(filename) @classmethod def load_netcdf(cls, filename): """ loads a netCDF object that contains a pre-packaged xarray instance from a file at `filename`. """ return cls(xr.load_dataarray(filename)) @classmethod def from_file_or_url( cls, file_path_or_url: typing.Union[str, Path], data_column: str, sampleid_index: str, neuroid_index: str, stimuli_index: str, timeid_index: str = None, subject_index: str = None, sampleid_metadata: typing.Union[ typing.Iterable[str], typing.Mapping[str, str] ] = None, neuroid_metadata: typing.Union[ typing.Iterable[str], typing.Mapping[str, str] ] = None, timeid_metadata: typing.Union[ typing.Iterable[str], typing.Mapping[str, str] ] = None, multidim_metadata: typing.Iterable[ typing.Mapping[str, typing.Iterable[str]] ] = None, sort_by: typing.Iterable[str] = (), sep=",", parallel: int = -2, ) -> _Dataset: """Creates a Dataset object holding an `xr.DataArray` instance using a CSV file readable by pandas. Constructs the `xr.DataArray` using specified columns to construct dimensions and metadata along those dimensions in the form of coordinates. Minimally requires `sampleid` and `neuroid` to be provided. Note: Each row of the supplied file must have a single data point corresponding to a unique `sampleid`, `neuroid`, and `timeid` (unique dimension values). I.e., each neuroid (which could be a voxel, an ROI, a reaction time RT value, etc.) must be on a new line for the same stimulus trial at a certain time. If `timeid` and `subjectid` is not provided: - a singleton timeid dimension is created with the value "0" for each sample. - a singleton subjectid dimension is created with value "0" that spans the entire data. For help on what these terms mean, please visit the [xarray glossary page]( Args: file_path_or_url (typing.Union[str, Path]): a path or URL to a csv file data_column (str): title of the column that holds the datapoints per unit of measurement (e.g., BOLD contrast effect size, reaction time, voltage amplitude, etc) sampleid_index (str): title of the column that should be used to construct an index for sampleids. this should be unique for each stimulus in the dataset. neuroid_index (str): title of the column that should be used to construct an index for neuroids. this should be unique for each point of measurement within a subject. e.g., voxel1, voxel2, ... neuroids in the packaged dataset are transformed to be a product of subject_index and neuroid_index. stimuli_index (str): title of the column that holds stimuli shown to participants timeid_index (str, optional): title of the column that holds timepoints of stimulus presentation. optional. if not provided, a singleton timepoint '0' is assigned to each datapoint. Defaults to None. subject_index (str, optional): title of the column specifiying subject IDs. Defaults to None. sampleid_metadata (typing.Union[typing.Iterable[str], typing.Mapping[str,str]], optional): names of columns (and optionally mapping of existing column names to new coordinate names) that supply metadata along the sampleid dimension. Defaults to None. neuroid_metadata (typing.Union[typing.Iterable[str], typing.Mapping[str,str]], optional): see `sampleid_metadata`. Defaults to None. timeid_metadata (typing.Union[typing.Iterable[str], typing.Mapping[str,str]], optional): see `sampleid_metadata`. Defaults to None. multidim_metadata (typing.Iterable[typing.Mapping[str, typing.Iterable[str]]], optional): metadata to go with more than one dimension. e.g., chunks of a stimulus that unfolds with time. currently `NotImplemented`. Defaults to None. sort_by (typing.Iterable[str], optional): Sort data by these columns while repackaging it. data is sorted by `sampleid_index`, `neuroid_index`, and `timeid_index` in addition to this value. Defaults to (). sep (str, optional): separator to read a value-delimited file. this argument is passed to pandas. Defaults to ','. Raises: ValueError: _description_ Returns: _Dataset: a subclass of the `_Dataset` interface with the packaged xarray.DataArray as a member. """ T = typing.TypeVar("T") def collapse_same_value(arr: typing.Iterable[T]) -> T: """ makes sure each element in an iterable is identical (using __eq__) to every other element by value and returns (any) one of the elements. if a non-identical element (!=) is found, raises ValueError """ try: first_thing = next(iter(arr)) except StopIteration: log(f"failed to obtain value from {arr}", verbosity_check=True) return np.nan for each_thing in arr: if first_thing != each_thing: raise ValueError(f"{first_thing} != {each_thing}") return first_thing import pandas as pd if str(file_path_or_url).endswith(".parquet.gzip"): try: df = pd.read_parquet(file_path_or_url) except Exception as invalid_file: raise ValueError("invalid parquet file / filename") from invalid_file else: try: df = pd.read_csv(file_path_or_url, sep=sep) except Exception as invalid_file: raise ValueError("invalid csv file / filename") from invalid_file if timeid_index is None: timeid_index = "timeid" # create singleton timeid # we don't need to inflate data since each datapoint will just # correspond to timeid == 0 per sample timeid_column = [0] * len(df) df[timeid_index] = timeid_column if subject_index is None: subject_index = "subject" # create singleton subjectID # we don't need to inflate data since each datapoint will just # correspond to subject == 0 per sample subject_column = ["subject0"] * len(df) df[subject_index] = subject_column if not parallel: parallel = 1 subjects = list(set(df[subject_index])) sampleids = list( set(df[sampleid_index]) ) # what happens when the same stimulus is shown multiple times? # it will add entries with same sampleid that will have to # then be differentiated on the basis of metadata only # neuroids = list(set(df[neuroid_index])) timeids = list(set(df[timeid_index])) if not isinstance(sampleid_metadata, abc.Mapping): sampleid_metadata = {k: k for k in sampleid_metadata} if not isinstance(neuroid_metadata, abc.Mapping): neuroid_metadata = {k: k for k in neuroid_metadata} if not isinstance(timeid_metadata, abc.Mapping): timeid_metadata = {k: k for k in timeid_metadata or ()} df = df.sort_values( [*sort_by, subject_index, sampleid_index, neuroid_index, timeid_index] ) def get_sampleid_xr(sampleid): sample_view = df[df[sampleid_index] == sampleid] # why not sampleid_view? neuroid_xrs = [] for neuroid in neuroids: neuroid_view = sample_view[sample_view[neuroid_index] == neuroid] timeid_xrs = [] for timeid in timeids: timeid_view = neuroid_view[neuroid_view[timeid_index] == timeid] data = timeid_view[data_column].values timeid_xr = xr.DataArray( data.reshape(1, len(timeid_view[subject_index]), 1), dims=("sampleid", "neuroid", "timeid"), coords={ "sampleid": np.repeat(sampleid, 1), "neuroid": [ f"{a}_{b}" for a, b in zip( timeid_view[subject_index], timeid_view[neuroid_index], ) ], "timeid": np.repeat(timeid, 1), "subject": ("neuroid", timeid_view[subject_index]), "stimulus": ( "sampleid", [collapse_same_value(timeid_view[stimuli_index])], ), **{ metadata_names[column]: ( dimension, [collapse_same_value(timeid_view[column])], ) for dimension, metadata_names in ( ("sampleid", sampleid_metadata), ("timeid", timeid_metadata), ) for column in metadata_names }, **{ neuroid_metadata[column]: ( "neuroid", (timeid_view[column]), ) for column in neuroid_metadata }, }, ) timeid_xrs += [timeid_xr] neuroid_xr = xr.concat(timeid_xrs, dim="timeid") neuroid_xrs += [neuroid_xr] sampleid_xr = xr.concat(neuroid_xrs, dim="neuroid") return sampleid_xr sampleid_xrs = Parallel(n_jobs=parallel)( delayed(get_sampleid_xr)(sampleid) for sampleid in tqdm(sampleids, desc="reassembling data per sampleid") ) unified_xr = xr.concat(sampleid_xrs, dim="sampleid") for dimension, metadata_names in ( ("sampleid", {**sampleid_metadata, "stimulus": "stimulus"}), ("timeid", timeid_metadata), ("neuroid", {**neuroid_metadata, "subject": "subject"}), ): for column in metadata_names: try: unified_xr = collapse_multidim_coord( unified_xr, metadata_names[column], dimension ) except ValueError as e: log( f"dimension:{dimension}, column:{column}, shape:{unified_xr[metadata_names[column]].shape}", type="ERR", ) return cls(unified_xr) # NOTE: we use `cls` rather than `Dataset` so any # subclasses will use the subclass rather than parent
- langbrainscore.interface.dataset._Dataset
- langbrainscore.interface.cacheable._Cacheable
- typing.Protocol
- typing.Generic
- abc.ABC
Class variables
var dataset_name : str
Static methods
def from_file_or_url(file_path_or_url: Union[str, pathlib.Path], data_column: str, sampleid_index: str, neuroid_index: str, stimuli_index: str, timeid_index: str = None, subject_index: str = None, sampleid_metadata: Union[Iterable[str], Mapping[str, str]] = None, neuroid_metadata: Union[Iterable[str], Mapping[str, str]] = None, timeid_metadata: Union[Iterable[str], Mapping[str, str]] = None, multidim_metadata: Iterable[Mapping[str, Iterable[str]]] = None, sort_by: Iterable[str] = (), sep=',', parallel: int = -2) ‑> langbrainscore.interface.dataset._Dataset
Creates a Dataset object holding an
instance using a CSV file readable by pandas. Constructs thexr.DataArray
using specified columns to construct dimensions and metadata along those dimensions in the form of coordinates. Minimally requiressampleid
to be provided.Note: Each row of the supplied file must have a single data point corresponding to a unique <code>sampleid</code>, <code>neuroid</code>, and <code>timeid</code> (unique dimension values). I.e., each neuroid (which could be a voxel, an ROI, a reaction time RT value, etc.) must be on a new line for the same stimulus trial at a certain time. If <code>timeid</code> and <code>subjectid</code> is not provided: - a singleton timeid dimension is created with the value "0" for each sample. - a singleton subjectid dimension is created with value "0" that spans the entire data. For help on what these terms mean, please visit the [xarray glossary page](
:typing.Union[str, Path]
- a path or URL to a csv file
- title of the column that holds the datapoints per unit of measurement (e.g., BOLD contrast effect size, reaction time, voltage amplitude, etc)
- title of the column that should be used to construct an index for sampleids. this should be unique for each stimulus in the dataset.
- title of the column that should be used to construct an index for neuroids. this should be unique for each point of measurement within a subject. e.g., voxel1, voxel2, … neuroids in the packaged dataset are transformed to be a product of subject_index and neuroid_index.
- title of the column that holds stimuli shown to participants
, optional- title of the column that holds timepoints of stimulus presentation. optional. if not provided, a singleton timepoint '0' is assigned to each datapoint. Defaults to None.
, optional- title of the column specifiying subject IDs. Defaults to None.
- sampleid_metadata (typing.Union[typing.Iterable[str], typing.Mapping[str,str]], optional):
- names of columns (and optionally mapping of existing column names to new coordinate names)
- that supply metadata along the sampleid dimension. Defaults to None.
- neuroid_metadata (typing.Union[typing.Iterable[str], typing.Mapping[str,str]], optional):
- see
. Defaults to None. - timeid_metadata (typing.Union[typing.Iterable[str], typing.Mapping[str,str]], optional):
- see
. Defaults to None. - multidim_metadata (typing.Iterable[typing.Mapping[str, typing.Iterable[str]]], optional):
- metadata to go with more than one dimension. e.g., chunks of a stimulus that unfolds with time.
- currently
. Defaults to None. sort_by
, optional- Sort data by these columns while repackaging it.
data is sorted by
, andtimeid_index
in addition to this value. Defaults to (). sep
, optional- separator to read a value-delimited file. this argument is passed to pandas. Defaults to ','.
- description
- a subclass of the
interface with the packaged xarray.DataArray as a member.
Expand source code
@classmethod def from_file_or_url( cls, file_path_or_url: typing.Union[str, Path], data_column: str, sampleid_index: str, neuroid_index: str, stimuli_index: str, timeid_index: str = None, subject_index: str = None, sampleid_metadata: typing.Union[ typing.Iterable[str], typing.Mapping[str, str] ] = None, neuroid_metadata: typing.Union[ typing.Iterable[str], typing.Mapping[str, str] ] = None, timeid_metadata: typing.Union[ typing.Iterable[str], typing.Mapping[str, str] ] = None, multidim_metadata: typing.Iterable[ typing.Mapping[str, typing.Iterable[str]] ] = None, sort_by: typing.Iterable[str] = (), sep=",", parallel: int = -2, ) -> _Dataset: """Creates a Dataset object holding an `xr.DataArray` instance using a CSV file readable by pandas. Constructs the `xr.DataArray` using specified columns to construct dimensions and metadata along those dimensions in the form of coordinates. Minimally requires `sampleid` and `neuroid` to be provided. Note: Each row of the supplied file must have a single data point corresponding to a unique `sampleid`, `neuroid`, and `timeid` (unique dimension values). I.e., each neuroid (which could be a voxel, an ROI, a reaction time RT value, etc.) must be on a new line for the same stimulus trial at a certain time. If `timeid` and `subjectid` is not provided: - a singleton timeid dimension is created with the value "0" for each sample. - a singleton subjectid dimension is created with value "0" that spans the entire data. For help on what these terms mean, please visit the [xarray glossary page]( Args: file_path_or_url (typing.Union[str, Path]): a path or URL to a csv file data_column (str): title of the column that holds the datapoints per unit of measurement (e.g., BOLD contrast effect size, reaction time, voltage amplitude, etc) sampleid_index (str): title of the column that should be used to construct an index for sampleids. this should be unique for each stimulus in the dataset. neuroid_index (str): title of the column that should be used to construct an index for neuroids. this should be unique for each point of measurement within a subject. e.g., voxel1, voxel2, ... neuroids in the packaged dataset are transformed to be a product of subject_index and neuroid_index. stimuli_index (str): title of the column that holds stimuli shown to participants timeid_index (str, optional): title of the column that holds timepoints of stimulus presentation. optional. if not provided, a singleton timepoint '0' is assigned to each datapoint. Defaults to None. subject_index (str, optional): title of the column specifiying subject IDs. Defaults to None. sampleid_metadata (typing.Union[typing.Iterable[str], typing.Mapping[str,str]], optional): names of columns (and optionally mapping of existing column names to new coordinate names) that supply metadata along the sampleid dimension. Defaults to None. neuroid_metadata (typing.Union[typing.Iterable[str], typing.Mapping[str,str]], optional): see `sampleid_metadata`. Defaults to None. timeid_metadata (typing.Union[typing.Iterable[str], typing.Mapping[str,str]], optional): see `sampleid_metadata`. Defaults to None. multidim_metadata (typing.Iterable[typing.Mapping[str, typing.Iterable[str]]], optional): metadata to go with more than one dimension. e.g., chunks of a stimulus that unfolds with time. currently `NotImplemented`. Defaults to None. sort_by (typing.Iterable[str], optional): Sort data by these columns while repackaging it. data is sorted by `sampleid_index`, `neuroid_index`, and `timeid_index` in addition to this value. Defaults to (). sep (str, optional): separator to read a value-delimited file. this argument is passed to pandas. Defaults to ','. Raises: ValueError: _description_ Returns: _Dataset: a subclass of the `_Dataset` interface with the packaged xarray.DataArray as a member. """ T = typing.TypeVar("T") def collapse_same_value(arr: typing.Iterable[T]) -> T: """ makes sure each element in an iterable is identical (using __eq__) to every other element by value and returns (any) one of the elements. if a non-identical element (!=) is found, raises ValueError """ try: first_thing = next(iter(arr)) except StopIteration: log(f"failed to obtain value from {arr}", verbosity_check=True) return np.nan for each_thing in arr: if first_thing != each_thing: raise ValueError(f"{first_thing} != {each_thing}") return first_thing import pandas as pd if str(file_path_or_url).endswith(".parquet.gzip"): try: df = pd.read_parquet(file_path_or_url) except Exception as invalid_file: raise ValueError("invalid parquet file / filename") from invalid_file else: try: df = pd.read_csv(file_path_or_url, sep=sep) except Exception as invalid_file: raise ValueError("invalid csv file / filename") from invalid_file if timeid_index is None: timeid_index = "timeid" # create singleton timeid # we don't need to inflate data since each datapoint will just # correspond to timeid == 0 per sample timeid_column = [0] * len(df) df[timeid_index] = timeid_column if subject_index is None: subject_index = "subject" # create singleton subjectID # we don't need to inflate data since each datapoint will just # correspond to subject == 0 per sample subject_column = ["subject0"] * len(df) df[subject_index] = subject_column if not parallel: parallel = 1 subjects = list(set(df[subject_index])) sampleids = list( set(df[sampleid_index]) ) # what happens when the same stimulus is shown multiple times? # it will add entries with same sampleid that will have to # then be differentiated on the basis of metadata only # neuroids = list(set(df[neuroid_index])) timeids = list(set(df[timeid_index])) if not isinstance(sampleid_metadata, abc.Mapping): sampleid_metadata = {k: k for k in sampleid_metadata} if not isinstance(neuroid_metadata, abc.Mapping): neuroid_metadata = {k: k for k in neuroid_metadata} if not isinstance(timeid_metadata, abc.Mapping): timeid_metadata = {k: k for k in timeid_metadata or ()} df = df.sort_values( [*sort_by, subject_index, sampleid_index, neuroid_index, timeid_index] ) def get_sampleid_xr(sampleid): sample_view = df[df[sampleid_index] == sampleid] # why not sampleid_view? neuroid_xrs = [] for neuroid in neuroids: neuroid_view = sample_view[sample_view[neuroid_index] == neuroid] timeid_xrs = [] for timeid in timeids: timeid_view = neuroid_view[neuroid_view[timeid_index] == timeid] data = timeid_view[data_column].values timeid_xr = xr.DataArray( data.reshape(1, len(timeid_view[subject_index]), 1), dims=("sampleid", "neuroid", "timeid"), coords={ "sampleid": np.repeat(sampleid, 1), "neuroid": [ f"{a}_{b}" for a, b in zip( timeid_view[subject_index], timeid_view[neuroid_index], ) ], "timeid": np.repeat(timeid, 1), "subject": ("neuroid", timeid_view[subject_index]), "stimulus": ( "sampleid", [collapse_same_value(timeid_view[stimuli_index])], ), **{ metadata_names[column]: ( dimension, [collapse_same_value(timeid_view[column])], ) for dimension, metadata_names in ( ("sampleid", sampleid_metadata), ("timeid", timeid_metadata), ) for column in metadata_names }, **{ neuroid_metadata[column]: ( "neuroid", (timeid_view[column]), ) for column in neuroid_metadata }, }, ) timeid_xrs += [timeid_xr] neuroid_xr = xr.concat(timeid_xrs, dim="timeid") neuroid_xrs += [neuroid_xr] sampleid_xr = xr.concat(neuroid_xrs, dim="neuroid") return sampleid_xr sampleid_xrs = Parallel(n_jobs=parallel)( delayed(get_sampleid_xr)(sampleid) for sampleid in tqdm(sampleids, desc="reassembling data per sampleid") ) unified_xr = xr.concat(sampleid_xrs, dim="sampleid") for dimension, metadata_names in ( ("sampleid", {**sampleid_metadata, "stimulus": "stimulus"}), ("timeid", timeid_metadata), ("neuroid", {**neuroid_metadata, "subject": "subject"}), ): for column in metadata_names: try: unified_xr = collapse_multidim_coord( unified_xr, metadata_names[column], dimension ) except ValueError as e: log( f"dimension:{dimension}, column:{column}, shape:{unified_xr[metadata_names[column]].shape}", type="ERR", ) return cls(unified_xr) # NOTE: we use `cls` rather than `Dataset` so any # subclasses will use the subclass rather than parent
def load_netcdf(filename)
loads a netCDF object that contains a pre-packaged xarray instance from a file at
.Expand source code
@classmethod def load_netcdf(cls, filename): """ loads a netCDF object that contains a pre-packaged xarray instance from a file at `filename`. """ return cls(xr.load_dataarray(filename))
Instance variables
var contents : xarray.core.dataarray.DataArray
access the internal xarray object. use with caution.
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@property def contents(self) -> xr.DataArray: """ access the internal xarray object. use with caution. """ return self._xr_obj
var dims : tuple
getter method that returns internal xarray dimensions
- dimensions of internal xarray object
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@property def dims(self) -> tuple: """ getter method that returns internal xarray dimensions Returns: tuple[str]: dimensions of internal xarray object """ return self.contents.dims
var stimuli : xarray.core.dataarray.DataArray
getter method that returns an xarray object of stimuli and associated metadata
- xarray object containing the stimuli from the dataset and associated metadata
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@property def stimuli(self) -> xr.DataArray: """ getter method that returns an xarray object of stimuli and associated metadata Returns: xr.DataArray: xarray object containing the stimuli from the dataset and associated metadata """ return self.contents.stimulus
def to_netcdf(self, filename)
outputs the xarray.DataArray object to a netCDF file identified by
. if it already exists, overwrites it.Expand source code
def to_netcdf(self, filename): """ outputs the xarray.DataArray object to a netCDF file identified by `filename`. if it already exists, overwrites it. """ if Path(filename).expanduser().resolve().exists(): log(f"{filename} already exists. overwriting.", type="WARN") self._xr_obj.to_netcdf(filename)