Module langbrainscore.utils.logging

Utility functions for logging to stdout and tracking parameters using Weights and Biases

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"""Utility functions for logging to stdout and tracking parameters using Weights and Biases"""

# stuff for type annotations
import typing

# from langbrainscore.interface.cacheable import _Cacheable

# stuff for logging to W&B (

def init_wandb(project: str, group: str, use_wandb=True):
    """Initializes an instance of Weights & Biases for logging

        project (str): a broad grouping of what project this wandb instance
            should be under, e.g., alpha testing, or human-predictive-processing-1
        group (str): a more immediate grouping, recommended: by benchmark
        use_wandb (bool, optional): if False, we will not initialize W&B.
            Mainly for compatibility with CLI. Defaults to True.
    if use_wandb:
        import wandb

            # group=group,

def log_to_wandb(
    *obs: typing.Collection[typing.Union["_Cacheable", dict]],
    """Given a `_Cacheable` object, logs its salient parameters to W&B by
        prefixing them with class name.

        ob (typing.Union[_Cacheable, typing.Mapping]): Object to log
        use_wandb (bool, optional): if False, we will not log anything. For compatibility with CLI.
            Defaults to True.
    if use_wandb:
        import wandb

        # if a singleton object is passed, we convert it to a collection
        except TypeError:
            obs = [obs]

        for ob in obs:
            if hasattr(ob, "params"):
                d = {f"{ob.__class__.__name__}/{k}": v for k, v in ob.params.items()}
                d = ob
            wandb.log(d, commit=False)

        wandb.log({}, commit=commit)

# stuff for logging to the terminal
import textwrap
from datetime import date
from sys import stderr, stdout
from time import time
import shutil
import os

from colorama import Back, Fore, Style, init
from tqdm import tqdm

def verbose() -> bool:
    """returns True if env variable "VERBOSE" is set to 1"""
    return os.environ.get("VERBOSE", None) == "1"

_START_TIME = time()

    return _START_TIME

def log(message, cmap="INFO", type=None, verbosity_check=False, **kwargs):
    """Utility function to log a `message` to stdout

        message (typing.Any): an object that supports `__str__()`
        cmap (str, optional): what  colormap to use. "INFO" corresponds to blue,
            "WARN" Defaults to "INFO".
        type (str, optional): Type of message, for user knowledge. If provided, will be used as the
            tag for this output (e.g. "info").  If no value is provided, the same string as `cmap` is
            used as the tag. Defaults to None.
        verbosity_check (bool, optional): Whether to check for a "VERBOSE" environment flag before
            outputting.  If false, always output text regardless of verbosity setting. Defaults to False.
    if verbosity_check and not verbose():

    _message = str(message)

    class T:
        HEADER = "\033[95m"
        OKBLUE = "\033[94m"
        OKCYAN = "\033[96m"
        OKGREEN = "\033[92m"
        WARNING = "\033[93m"
        FAIL = "\033[91m"
        ENDC = "\033[0m"
        BOLD = "\033[1m"
        UNDERLINE = "\033[4m"

    if cmap == "INFO":
        c = T.OKBLUE
    elif cmap == "WARN":
        c = T.BOLD + T.WARNING
    elif cmap == "ANNOUNCE":
        c = T.BOLD + T.OKGREEN
    elif cmap == "ERR":
        c = "\n" + T.BOLD + T.FAIL
        c = T.OKBLUE

    timestamp = f"{time() - START_TIME():.2f}s"
    lines = textwrap.wrap(
        _message + T.ENDC,
        width=shutil.get_terminal_size((120, 24))[0] - 1,
        initial_indent=c + "%" * 3 + f" [{type or cmap.lower()} @ {timestamp}] ",
        subsequent_indent=". " * 6 + "",
    tqdm.write("\n".join(lines), file=stderr)
    # print(*lines, sep='\n', file=stderr)


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    return _START_TIME
def init_wandb(project: str, group: str, use_wandb=True)

Initializes an instance of Weights & Biases for logging


project : str
a broad grouping of what project this wandb instance should be under, e.g., alpha testing, or human-predictive-processing-1
group : str
a more immediate grouping, recommended: by benchmark
use_wandb : bool, optional
if False, we will not initialize W&B. Mainly for compatibility with CLI. Defaults to True.
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def init_wandb(project: str, group: str, use_wandb=True):
    """Initializes an instance of Weights & Biases for logging

        project (str): a broad grouping of what project this wandb instance
            should be under, e.g., alpha testing, or human-predictive-processing-1
        group (str): a more immediate grouping, recommended: by benchmark
        use_wandb (bool, optional): if False, we will not initialize W&B.
            Mainly for compatibility with CLI. Defaults to True.
    if use_wandb:
        import wandb

            # group=group,
def log(message, cmap='INFO', type=None, verbosity_check=False, **kwargs)

Utility function to log a message to stdout


message : typing.Any
an object that supports __str__()
cmap : str, optional
what colormap to use. "INFO" corresponds to blue, "WARN" Defaults to "INFO".
type : str, optional
Type of message, for user knowledge. If provided, will be used as the tag for this output (e.g. "info"). If no value is provided, the same string as cmap is used as the tag. Defaults to None.
verbosity_check : bool, optional
Whether to check for a "VERBOSE" environment flag before outputting. If false, always output text regardless of verbosity setting. Defaults to False.
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def log(message, cmap="INFO", type=None, verbosity_check=False, **kwargs):
    """Utility function to log a `message` to stdout

        message (typing.Any): an object that supports `__str__()`
        cmap (str, optional): what  colormap to use. "INFO" corresponds to blue,
            "WARN" Defaults to "INFO".
        type (str, optional): Type of message, for user knowledge. If provided, will be used as the
            tag for this output (e.g. "info").  If no value is provided, the same string as `cmap` is
            used as the tag. Defaults to None.
        verbosity_check (bool, optional): Whether to check for a "VERBOSE" environment flag before
            outputting.  If false, always output text regardless of verbosity setting. Defaults to False.
    if verbosity_check and not verbose():

    _message = str(message)

    class T:
        HEADER = "\033[95m"
        OKBLUE = "\033[94m"
        OKCYAN = "\033[96m"
        OKGREEN = "\033[92m"
        WARNING = "\033[93m"
        FAIL = "\033[91m"
        ENDC = "\033[0m"
        BOLD = "\033[1m"
        UNDERLINE = "\033[4m"

    if cmap == "INFO":
        c = T.OKBLUE
    elif cmap == "WARN":
        c = T.BOLD + T.WARNING
    elif cmap == "ANNOUNCE":
        c = T.BOLD + T.OKGREEN
    elif cmap == "ERR":
        c = "\n" + T.BOLD + T.FAIL
        c = T.OKBLUE

    timestamp = f"{time() - START_TIME():.2f}s"
    lines = textwrap.wrap(
        _message + T.ENDC,
        width=shutil.get_terminal_size((120, 24))[0] - 1,
        initial_indent=c + "%" * 3 + f" [{type or cmap.lower()} @ {timestamp}] ",
        subsequent_indent=". " * 6 + "",
    tqdm.write("\n".join(lines), file=stderr)
    # print(*lines, sep='\n', file=stderr)
def log_to_wandb(*obs: Collection[Union[ForwardRef('_Cacheable'), dict]], use_wandb=True, commit=False)

Given a _Cacheable object, logs its salient parameters to W&B by prefixing them with class name.


ob : typing.Union[_Cacheable, typing.Mapping]
Object to log
use_wandb : bool, optional
if False, we will not log anything. For compatibility with CLI. Defaults to True.
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def log_to_wandb(
    *obs: typing.Collection[typing.Union["_Cacheable", dict]],
    """Given a `_Cacheable` object, logs its salient parameters to W&B by
        prefixing them with class name.

        ob (typing.Union[_Cacheable, typing.Mapping]): Object to log
        use_wandb (bool, optional): if False, we will not log anything. For compatibility with CLI.
            Defaults to True.
    if use_wandb:
        import wandb

        # if a singleton object is passed, we convert it to a collection
        except TypeError:
            obs = [obs]

        for ob in obs:
            if hasattr(ob, "params"):
                d = {f"{ob.__class__.__name__}/{k}": v for k, v in ob.params.items()}
                d = ob
            wandb.log(d, commit=False)

        wandb.log({}, commit=commit)
def verbose() ‑> bool

returns True if env variable "VERBOSE" is set to 1

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def verbose() -> bool:
    """returns True if env variable "VERBOSE" is set to 1"""
    return os.environ.get("VERBOSE", None) == "1"