Expand source code
import pickle
import typing
from abc import ABC, abstractclassmethod, abstractmethod
from numbers import Number
from pathlib import Path
import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
import yaml
from langbrainscore.utils.cache import get_cache_directory, pathify
from langbrainscore.utils.logging import log
# from langbrainscore.interface.dryrunnable import _DryRunnable
T = typing.TypeVar("T")
class _Cacheable(typing.Protocol):
A class used to define a common interface for Object caching in LangBrainscore
def __eq__(o1: "_Cacheable", o2: "_Cacheable") -> bool:
def checkattr(key) -> bool:
"""helper function to check if an attribute is the same between two objects
and handles AttributeError while at it. if the attributes differ (or does
not exist on one or the other object), returns False.
if getattr(o1, key) != getattr(o2, key):
return False
except AttributeError:
return False
return True
for key, ob in vars(o1).items():
if isinstance(ob, (str, Number, bool, _Cacheable, tuple, type(None))):
if not checkattr(key):
log(f"{o1} and {o2} differ on {key}", cmap="ERR")
return False
elif isinstance(ob, xr.DataArray):
x1 = getattr(o1, key)
x2 = getattr(o2, key)
if (not np.allclose(x1.data, x2.data, equal_nan=True, atol=1e-4)) or (
x1.attrs != x2.attrs
log(f"{o1} and {o2} differ on {key}", cmap="ERR")
return False
return True
# @abstractclassmethod
# @classmethod
def _get_xarray_objects(self) -> typing.Iterable[str]:
returns the *names* of all attributes of self that are instances of xarray
NOTE: this method should be implemented by any subclass irrespective of instance
state so that in the future we can support loading from cache without having
to re-run the pipeline (and thereby assign attributes as appropriate)
by default, just goes over all the objects and returns their names if they are instances
of `xr.DataArray`
keys = []
for key, ob in vars(self).items():
if isinstance(ob, xr.DataArray):
keys += [key]
return keys
def params(self) -> dict:
""" """
params = {}
for key in sorted(vars(self)):
ob = getattr(self, key)
if isinstance(ob, (str, Number, bool, _Cacheable, tuple, dict, type(None))):
# if isinstance(ob, (str, Number, bool, _Cacheable, tuple)):
if isinstance(ob, _Cacheable):
params[key] = ob.identifier_string
elif isinstance(ob, dict):
for k in ob:
params[f"{key}_{k}"] = ob[k]
pass # TODO!!
params[key] = ob
return params
def __repr__(self) -> str:
default, broad implementation to support our use case.
constructs a string by concatenating all str, numeric, boolean
attributes of self, as well as all the representations of Cacheable
instances that are attributes of self.
left = "("
right = ")"
sep = "?"
rep = f"{left}{self.__class__.__name__}"
params = self.params
for key in sorted([*params.keys()]):
val = params[key]
rep += f"{sep}{key}={val}"
return rep + f"{right}"
def identifier_string(self):
This property aims to return an unambiguous representation of this _Cacheable
instance, complete with all scalar parameters used to initialize it, and any
_Cacheable instances that are attributes of this object.
Unless overridden, makes a call to `repr`
return repr(self)
def to_cache(
identifier_string: str = None,
) -> Path:
dump this object to cache. this method implementation will serve
as the default implementation. it is recommended that this be left
as-is for compatibility with caching across the library.
identifier_string (str): a unique identifier string to identify this cache
instance by (optional; by default, the .identifier_string property is used)
overwrite (bool): whether to overwrite existing cache by the same identity,
if it exists. if False, an exce
if cache_dir:
cache = get_cache_directory(
cache_dir, calling_class=self.__class__.__name__
cache = get_cache_directory(calling_class=self.__class__.__name__)
root, subdir = cache.root, cache.subdir
# now we use "subdir" to be our working directory to dump this cache object
subdir /= identifier_string or self.identifier_string
subdir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=overwrite)
log(f"caching {self} to {subdir}")
with (subdir / "xarray_object_names.yml").open("w") as f:
yaml.dump(self._get_xarray_objects(), f, yaml.SafeDumper)
with (subdir / "id.txt").open("w") as f:
kwargs = {}
if overwrite and "zarr" in xarray_serialization_backend:
kwargs.update({"mode": "w"})
for ob_name in self._get_xarray_objects():
ob = getattr(self, ob_name)
tgt_dir = subdir / (ob_name + ".xr")
dump_object_fn = getattr(
ob.to_dataset(name="data"), xarray_serialization_backend
dump_object_fn(tgt_dir, **kwargs)
cacheable_ptrs = {}
meta_attributes = {}
for key, ob in vars(self).items():
if isinstance(ob, _Cacheable):
dest = ob.to_cache(
cacheable_ptrs[key] = str(dest)
elif isinstance(ob, (str, Number, bool, _Cacheable, type(None))):
meta_attributes[key] = ob
with (subdir / "meta_attributes.yml").open("w") as f:
yaml.dump(meta_attributes, f, yaml.SafeDumper)
with (subdir / "cacheable_object_pointers.yml").open("w") as f:
yaml.dump(cacheable_ptrs, f, yaml.SafeDumper)
return subdir
def load_cache(
identifier_string: str = None,
overwrite: bool = True,
) -> Path:
"""load attribute objects from cache onto the existing initialized object (self)"""
if cache_dir:
cache = get_cache_directory(
cache_dir, calling_class=self.__class__.__name__
cache = get_cache_directory(calling_class=self.__class__.__name__)
root, subdir = cache.root, cache.subdir
# now we use "subdir" as our working directory to dump this cache object
subdir /= identifier_string or self.identifier_string
log(f"attempt loading attributes of {self} from {subdir.parent}")
with (subdir / "xarray_object_names.yml").open("r") as f:
self_xarray_objects = yaml.load(f, yaml.SafeLoader)
with (subdir / "id.txt").open("r") as f:
if (identifier_string or self.identifier_string) != (
cached_identifier_str := f.read()
if not overwrite:
raise ValueError(
f"mismatch in identifier string of self ({self.identifier_string}) and "
f"cached object ({cached_identifier_str}); overwriting is disabled."
f"mismatch in identifier string of self ({self.identifier_string}) and "
f"cached object ({cached_identifier_str}); overwriting anyway."
kwargs = {}
for ob_name in self_xarray_objects:
tgt_dir = subdir / (ob_name + ".xr")
load_object_fn = getattr(xr, xarray_deserialization_backend)
ob = load_object_fn(tgt_dir, **kwargs)
setattr(self, ob_name, ob.data)
with (subdir / "cacheable_object_pointers.yml").open("r") as f:
cacheable_ptrs: dict = yaml.load(f, yaml.SafeLoader)
# calls `load_cache` on all attributes that are also `_Cacheable` instances
# and thus implement the `load_cache` method
for key, ptr in cacheable_ptrs.items():
ob = getattr(self, key)
except AttributeError:
f"`load_cache` currently only supports loading xarray objects or initialized `_Cacheable` objects"
with (subdir / "meta_attributes.yml").open("r") as f:
meta_attributes: dict = yaml.load(f, yaml.SafeLoader)
for key, ob in meta_attributes.items():
setattr(self, key, ob)
# NB comment from Guido: https://github.com/python/typing/issues/58#issuecomment-194569410
def from_cache(
cls: typing.Callable[..., T],
identifier_string: str,
) -> T:
construct an object from cache. subclasses must start with the
object returned by a call to this method like so:
ob = super().from_cache(filename)
# further implementation, such as initializing
# member classes based on metadata
return ob
Duck = type(cls.__name__, (cls,), {"__init__": (lambda _: None)})
duck = Duck()
return duck